This endpoint is deprecated. Please do not use it for new projects. The documentation remains here for legacy API consumers.

Getting a single event

The common use-case of obtaining a event to an event-ID is associated with the /events/{eventId} endpoint with the ID as a path parameter.

By sending the following GET-request, one can obtain the requested list containing all applications of a user:

with TOKEN being the user access token of the user in question. It is used to determine the validity of this request. And {eventId} is the required ID of the event you want to display.

Path parameters

Name Description
eventId The ID of the event you want to display.

Query parameters

– none –

Response values

Upon Returned value Description
success JSON-encoded EventData-Object Please look at the according doc-page.
failure 500 – INTERNAL SERVER ERROR When an error appears while processing your request.
authorization error 401 / 403 See here for details.

Example return value for call with eventId=”6110l656ds620009667g4331gjj0987″