Register user account
Use the /register endpoint in combination with a POST request to allow an applicant to register an useraccount.
Request with tokens
By sending the following POST-request, an applicant can register an useraccount:
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curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"salutation":"1","firstname":"Joe","lastname":"Doe","email":"","workEmail":"","username":"joedoe67","password":"randompassword","policyAccepted":true,"locale":"de","creatorIp":"","internal":false}' "" |
with TOKEN eihter being a client access token or a user access token. It is used to determine the validity of this request. Furthermore the body of the POST message has to contain a JSON-encoded ApplicantData-object. In the curl command from above it can bee seen in the -d parameter.
Request with basic authorization
As an alternative, you can use here the basic authorization method. Just write
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curl -i -u "{clientId}:" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"salutation":"1","firstname":"Joe","lastname":"Doe","email":"","workEmail":"","username":"joedoe67","password":"randompassword","policyAccepted":true,"locale":"de","creatorIp":"","internal":false}' "" |
{clientId} is the ID for your application to develop given to you by softgarden. The colon seen in the example is obligatory.
Path parameters
– none –
Query parameters
– none –
Response values
Upon | Returned value | Description |
failure | 500 – INTERNAL SERVER ERROR | When an error appears while processing your request. |
authorization error | 401 / 403 | See here for details. |
You won’t get any feedback if your request succeeds.