This endpoint is deprecated. Please do not use it for new projects. The documentation remains here for legacy API consumers. Please use the Frontend API V3.

Get the form

For retrieving the form as html that is assigned to an application use the /applications/{applicationId}/form endpoint.

By sending the following GET-request, one can obtain the requested form.

with TOKEN being the user access token of the user in question. It is used to determine the validity of this request. Moreover the {applicationId} is the ID of the application if which the form is requested.

Path parameters

Name Description Data Type
applicationId The ID of the application of which the form is requested. String

Query parameters

Name Description Data Type
firstnav Optional parameter that represents the demanded page of the application form. Integer

Response values

Upon Returned value Description
success Form as HTML-String The application form as a HTML encoded String.
failure 500 – INTERNAL SERVER ERROR When an error appears while processing your request.
authorization error 401 / 403 See here for details.



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